dpost (PostScript打印机的troff 后处理器)

rose1 发表于 2020-08-29 06:03

在Solaris操作系统上,dpost命令是PostScript 打印机的troff后处理器。



1 dpost 运行系统环境

2 dpost 说明

3 dpost 语法

4 dpost 例子

dpost 运行系统环境


dpost 说明

dposttroff创建的文件转换为PostScript并将结果写在标准输出上。如果未指定文件,或者“ - ”是输入文件之一,则读取标准输入。

文件应由troff准备。/ usr / lib / font / devpost中的缺省字体文件产生最佳和最有效的输出。它们的分辨率为720 dpi,可以通过在troff命令中添加-Tpost选项来格式化文件。较早版本的eqn和pic预处理程序需要知道troff将用于格式化文件的分辨率。如果这些是系统上安装的版本,则将-r720选项与eqn一起使用,并将-T720pic 一起使用。

dpost不对解决方案做任何假设。第一个x res命令设置用于转换输入文件的分辨率,DESC.out文件(通常为/usr/lib/font/devpost/DESC.out)定义二进制字体文件中使用的分辨率,而PostScript序言是负责建立适当的用户坐标系。

dpost translates files created by troff into PostScript and writes the results on the standard output. If no files are specified, or if "-" is one of the input files, the standard input is read.

The files should be prepared by troff. The default font files in /usr/lib/font/devpost produce the best and most efficient output. They assume a resolution of 720 dpi, and can be used to format files by adding the -Tpost option to the troff command. Older versions of the eqn and pic preprocessors need to know the resolution that troff will be using to format the files. If those are the versions installed on your system, use the -r720 option with eqn and -T720 with pic.

dpost makes no assumptions about resolutions. The first x res command sets the resolution used to translate the input files, the DESC.out file, usually /usr/lib/font/devpost/DESC.out, defines the resolution used in the binary font files, and the PostScript prologue is responsible for setting up an appropriate user coordinate system.



dpost 语法

dpost [-c num] [-e num] [-m num] [-n num] [-o list] [-w num] [-x num] [-y num] 
      [-F dir] [-H dir] [-L file] [-O] [-T name] [file]...


-c num 每页打印num份。默认情况下,仅打印一份。
-e num 将文本编码级别设置为num。所识别的选择是0,1,和2。随着num的增加,输出文件的大小和打印时间应减少。级别2的编码通常比级别0快20%,级别0是默认设置,并且产生的输出与dpost的先前版本基本相同。
-m num 将每个逻辑页面放大num倍。页面围绕原点进行统一缩放,该原点位于每页的左上角附近。默认放大倍数为1.0。
-n num 在每张纸上打印num个逻辑页,其中num可以是任何正整数。默认情况下,num设置为1。
-o list 打印那些在逗号分隔列表中给出编号的页面。该列表包含单个数字N和范围N1-N2。N1丢失表示编号最低的页面,N2丢失表示编号最高的页面。页面范围是逻辑页面而不是物理纸的表达。例如,如果要在一张纸上打印两个逻辑页面,并且指定范围为4,则将打印两张纸,其中包含四个页面布局。如果您将页面范围指定为3-4,则在向工作表请求两个逻辑页面时;那么仅会打印第3页和第4页版面,并且它们会出现在一张纸上。
-p mode 以纵向或横向模式打印文件。只有mode的第一个字符有效(可以分别指定p或l)。默认模式是纵向。
-w num 将用于执行troff图形命令的线宽设置为num个点,其中一个点大约是1/72英寸。默认情况下,num设置为0.3点。
-x num 沿正x轴平移原点num英寸。默认坐标系的原点固定在页面左上角附近,x值为正,右边为y。正NUM移动的一切权利。默认偏移量是0英寸。
-y num 沿正y轴平移原点num英寸。正数可将文本向上移动到页面上。默认偏移量为0
-F dir 使用dir作为字体目录。默认目录为/ usr / lib / font,并且dpost从目录/ usr / lib / font / devpost读取二进制字体文件。
-H dir 使用dir作为主机驻留字体目录。该目录中的文件应该是完整的PostScript字体描述,并且必须分配一个与相应的两字符 troff字体名称相对应的名称。每个字体文件仅在需要时复制到输出文件,并且在每个作业期间最多复制一次。没有默认目录。
-L file 使用文件作为PostScript序言,默认情况下为/usr/lib/lp/postscript/dpost.ps。
-O 禁用PostScript图片包含。当dpost由网络环境中的假脱机程序运行时,建议使用此选项。
-T name 使用字体文件作为设备名称,以作为可用PostScript字体的最佳描述。默认情况下,name设置为post,并且dpost/ usr / lib / font / devpost读取二进制文件。
dpost [-c num] [-e num] [-m num] [-n num] [-o list] [-w num] [-x num] [-y num] 
      [-F dir] [-H dir] [-L file] [-O] [-T name] [file]...


-c num Print num copies of each page. By default, only one copy is printed.
-e num Sets the text encoding level to num. The recognized choices are 01, and 2. The size of the output file and print time should decrease as num increases. Level 2 encoding will typically be about 20 percent faster than level 0, which is the default and produces output essentially identical to previous versions of dpost.
-m num Magnify each logical page by the factor num. Pages are scaled uniformly about the origin, which is located near the upper left corner of each page. The default magnification is 1.0.
-n num Print num logical pages on each piece of paper, where num can be any positive integer. By default, num is set to 1.
-o list Print those pages for which numbers are given in the comma-separated list. The list contains single numbers N and ranges N1-N2. A missing N1 means the lowest numbered page, a missing N2 means the highest. The page range is an expression of logical pages rather than physical sheets of paper. For example, if you are printing two logical pages to a sheet, and you specified a range of 4, then two sheets of paper would print, containing four page layouts. If you specified a page range of 3-4, when requesting two logical pages to a sheet; then only page 3 and page 4 layouts would print, and they would appear on one physical sheet of paper.
-p mode Print files in either portrait or landscape mode. Only the first character of mode is significant (you can specify p or l, respectively). The default mode is portrait.
-w num Set the line width used to implement troff graphics commands to num points, where a point is approximately 1/72 of an inch. By default, num is set to 0.3 points.
-x num Translate the origin num inches along the positive x-axis. The default coordinate system has the origin fixed near the upper left corner of the page, with positive x to the right and positive y down the page. Positive num moves everything right. The default offset is 0 inches.
-y num Translate the origin num inches along the positive y-axis. Positive num moves text up the page. The default offset is 0.
-F dir Use dir as the font directory. The default dir is /usr/lib/font, and dpost reads binary font files from directory /usr/lib/font/devpost.
-H dir Use dir as the host resident font directory. Files in this directory should be complete PostScript font descriptions, and must be assigned a name that corresponds to the appropriate two-character troff font name. Each font file is copied to the output file only when needed and at most once during each job. There is no default directory.
-L file Use file as the PostScript prologue which, by default, is /usr/lib/lp/postscript/dpost.ps.
-O Disables PostScript picture inclusion. A recommended option when dpost is run by a spooler in a networked environment.
-T name Use font files for device name as the best description of available PostScript fonts. By default, name is set to post and dpost reads binary files from /usr/lib/font/devpost.



dpost 例子

pic -T720 file | tbl | eqn -r720 | troff -mm -Tpost | dpost


pic -T720 file | tbl | eqn -r720 | troff -mm -Tpost | dpost

This command will likely give the best formatting for a system with older versions of eqn and pic installed. The specific parameters can be tweaked according to the printing results on your particular hardware setup.




date | du | dmesg | dirname | dircmp | dd | deluser | depmod | deroff | df | dhclient | diff | dos2unix | dig |
