pg (显示文本文件的内容,一次显示一页)

瑞兹 发表于 2020-11-06 09:05




1 pg 运行系统环境

2 pg 描述

3 pg 语法

4 pg 例子

pg 运行系统环境


pg 描述




pg displays a text file, pausing after each "page" (the height of the terminal screen). After each page, a prompt is displayed. The user may then either press the newline key to view the next page or one of the keys described below.

If no file name is given on the command line, pg reads from standard input. If standard output is not a terminal, pg acts like cat but precedes each file with its name if there is more than one.

If input comes from a pipe, pg stores the data in a buffer file while reading to make navigation possible.



pg 语法

pg [-number] [-p string] [-cefnrs] [+line] [+/pattern/] [file...]


-number 每页的行数。通常,这是CRT线的数量减去一。
-C 如果终端的terminfo条目提供此功能,请在显示页面之前清除屏幕。
-e 不要暂停并在文件末尾显示“(EOF)”。
-F 不要分开长行。
-n 如果没有此选项,则命令必须以换行符终止。使用此选项,一旦输入命令字母,pg就会前进。
-p string 将显示字符串,而不是通常的提示“  ” 。如果字符串包含“ %d ”,则它的第一个匹配项将替换为当前页面的编号。
-r 禁止外壳逃脱。
-s 如果终端的terminfo条目提供此功能,则以突出模式打印消息。
+number 从给定的行开始。
+ /pattern/ 从包含给定的基本正则表达式 模式的行开始。



i 显示下一页或指示的页面。
ið^ d 显示下一页。如果给出i,则总是相对于当前位置进行解释。
iI 显示下一行或指示的行。
iF 向前跳过一页,必须为正数,并且始终相对于当前位置进行解释。
iWiz 表现为,除了变成新页面大小。
.^ L 重画屏幕。
$ 前进到输入文件的最后一行。
i/pattern/ 向前搜索,直到找到第一个或第i个基本正则表达式模式。搜索在当前页面之后开始,并在文件末尾停止。没有执行环绕操作,必须为正数。
ipatterni^pattern^ 向后搜索,直到找到第一个或第i个基本正则表达式模式。搜索在当前页面之前开始,并在文件的开头停止。没有执行环绕操作,必须为正数。


iñ 前进到下一个文件或前进的文件。
ip 重新读取先前的文件或向后读取i个文件。
s file name 将当前文件保存为给定的文件名
H 显示命令摘要。
command 使用外壳执行命令
qQ 放弃。




COLUMNS 如果设置,将覆盖系统提供的列数。
LINES 覆盖系统提供的行数(如果已设置)。
SHELL 使用了命令。
TERM 确定终端类型。

pg [-number] [-p string] [-cefnrs] [+line] [+/pattern/] [file...]


-number The number of lines per page. Usually, this is the number of CRT lines minus one.
-c Clear the screen before a page is displayed, if the terminfo entry for the terminal provides this capability.
-e Do not pause and display "(EOF)" at the end of a file.
-f Do not split long lines.
-n Without this option, commands must be terminated by a newline character. With this option, pg advances once a command letter is entered.
-p string Instead of the normal prompt ":", string is displayed. If string contains "%d", its first occurrence is replaced by the number of the current page.
-r Disallow the shell escape.
-s Print messages in standout mode, if the terminfo entry for the terminal provides this capability.
+number Start at the given line.
+/pattern/ Start at the line containing the Basic Regular Expression pattern given.


The following commands may be entered at the prompt. Commands preceded by i accept a number as argument, positive or negative. If this argument starts with + or -, it is interpreted relative to the current position in the input file, otherwise relative to the beginning.

i Display the next or the indicated page.
id^D Display the next half page. If i is given, it is always interpreted relative to the current position.
il Display the next or the indicated line.
if Skip a page forward, i must be a positive number and is always interpreted relative to the current position.
iwiz Behave asexcept that i becomes the new page size.
.^L Redraw the screen.
$ Advance to the last line of the input file.
i/pattern/ Search forward until the first or the i-th occurrence of the Basic Regular Expression pattern is found. The search starts after the current page and stops at the end of the file. No wrap-around is performed, i must be a positive number.
i?pattern?i^pattern^ Search backward until the first or the i-th occurrence of the Basic Regular Expression pattern is found. The search starts before the current page and stops at the beginning of the file. No wrap-around is performed, i must be a positive number.

The search commands accept an added letter. If t is given, the line containing the pattern is displayed at the top of the screen, which is the default. m selects the middle and b the bottom of the screen. The selected position is used in following searches, too.

in Advance to the next file or i files forward.
ip Reread the previous file or i files backward.
s file name Save the current file to the given file name.
h Display a command summary.
!command Execute command using the shell.
qQ Quit.

If the user presses the interrupt or quit key while pg reads from the input file or writes on the terminal, pg will immediately display the prompt. In all other situations these keys will terminate pg.

Environment Variables

The following environment variables affect the behaviour of pg:

COLUMNS Overrides the system-supplied number of columns if set.
LINES Overrides the system-supplied number of lines if set.
SHELL Used by the ! command.
TERM Determines the terminal type.



pg 例子

pg myfile.txt

显示文本文件myfile.txt的第一屏内容,并显示提示(“  ”)。按Return键将显示下一页,或者可以输入上面列出的任何命令以其他方式浏览文件。

pg myfile.txt

Displays the first screenful of the contents of text file myfile.txt, and a prompt (":"). Pressing the Return key displays the next page, or any of the command listed above may be entered to otherwise navigate the file.




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