setfacl (设置文件访问控制列表)

瑞兹 发表于 2020-11-30 09:11




1 setfacl 运行系统环境

2 setfacl 描述

3 setfacl 语法

4 setfacl 例子

setfacl 运行系统环境


setfacl 描述


选项-m-x期望在命令行上使用ACL。多个ACL条目用逗号(“  ”)分隔。选项-M-X从文件或标准输入读取ACL 。ACL条目格式在下面的“ ACL条目”部分中进行了描述。




使用-M-X选项从文件读取时,setfacl接受getfacl产生的输出。每行最多有一个ACL条目。在井号(“  ”)之后,直到行尾的所有内容都被视为注释。




The setfacl utility sets Access Control Lists (ACLs) of files and directories. On the command line, a sequence of commands is followed by a sequence of files (which in turn can be followed by another sequence of commands, and so on).

The options -m and -x expect an ACL on the command line. Multiple ACL entries are separated by commas (","). The options -M and -X read an ACL from a file or from standard input. The ACL entry format is described in the ACL Entries section, below.

The --set and --set-file options set the ACL of a file or a directory. The previous ACL is replaced. ACL entries for this operation must include permissions.

The -m (--modify) and -M (--modify-file) options modify the ACL of a file or directory. ACL entries for this operation must include permissions.

The -x (--remove) and -X (--remove-file) options remove ACL entries. It is not an error to remove an entry which does not exist. Only ACL entries without the perms field are accepted as parameters, unless the POSIXLY_CORRECT environment variable is defined.

When reading from files using the -M and -X options, setfacl accepts the output produced by getfacl. There is at most one ACL entry per line. After a pound sign ("#"), everything up to the end of the line is treated as a comment.

If setfacl is used on a file system which does not support ACLs, setfacl operates on the file mode permission bits. If the ACL does not fit completely in the permission bits, setfacl modifies the file mode permission bits to reflect the ACL as closely as possible, writes an error message to standard error, and returns with an exit status greater than 0.

The file owner and processes capable of CAP_FOWNER are granted the right to modify ACLs of a file, which is analogous to the permissions required for accessing the file mode.

On current Linux systems, root is the only user with the CAP_FOWNER capability, so you must be the superuser to use setfacl if you are not the owner of the file.



setfacl 语法

setfacl [-bkndRLPvh] [{-m|-x} acl_spec] [{-M|-X} acl_file] file ...
setfacl --restore=file


-b,--remove-all 删除所有扩展的ACL条目。所有者,组和其他所有者的基本ACL条目将保留。
-k,--remove-default 删除默认ACL。如果不存在默认ACL,则不会发出警告。
-n,-- no-mask 不要重新计算有效的权限掩码。setfacl的默认行为是重新计算ACL掩码条目,除非明确给出了掩码条目。掩码条目设置为拥有组的所有权限以及所有命名的用户和组条目的并集。(这些正是受掩码条目影响的条目)。
--mask 即使已明确给出ACL掩码条目,也要重新计算有效权限掩码。(请参阅-n选项。)
-d,--default 所有操作均适用于默认ACL。输入集中的常规ACL条目将提升为默认ACL条目。输入集中的默认ACL条目将被丢弃。(如果发生这种情况,将发出警告)。
--restore =file 恢复由“ getfacl -R ”或类似文件创建的权限备份。使用此机制可以还原完整目录子树的所有权限。如果输入包含所有者注释或组注释,则setfacl尝试还原所有者和所有者组。如果输入包含标志注释(定义了setuid,setgid和sticky位),则setfacl相应地设置这三个位;否则,将清除它们。此选项不能与“ --test ”以外的其他选项混合使用。
- test 测试模式。列出更改后的ACL而不是更改任何文件的ACL。
-R,--recursive 递归地将操作应用于所有文件和目录。此选项不能与“ --restore ”混合使用。
-L--logical “逻辑漫游”:跟随目录的符号链接。默认行为是遵循符号链接参数,并跳过子目录中遇到的符号链接。仅与-R组合有效。此选项不能与“ --restore ”混合使用。
-P--physical “物理漫游”:不要遵循指向目录的符号链接。这也会跳过符号链接参数。仅与-R组合有效。此选项不能与“ --restore ”混合使用。
-v,-- version 打印setfacl的版本,然后退出。
-h--help 打印说明命令行选项的帮助消息。
- 双破折号表示命令行选项的结尾;所有其余参数都解释为文件名。该选项对于以破折号开头的文件名特别有用。
-- 如果文件名参数是单破折号,则setfacl从标准输入中读取文件列表。



d [ efault ] :] [ u [ser] :uid [:perms] 用户标识为uid的用户的权限,或者如果uid为空,则为文件所有者的权限。
d [ efault ]  ] g [roupgid [ :perms ] 组ID为gid的组的权限,如果gid为空,则为所属组的权限。
d [ efault ]  ] m [ask] [] [ :perms] 有效的权限掩码。
d [ efault ]  ] o [ther] [] [ :perms] 他人的许可。

分隔 符和非分隔符之间的空格将被忽略。



烫发场是一个指示权限字符的组合:读取(" - r"),写("w "),执行("X ”),或者“只执行,如果该文件是一个目录或已经执行权限某些用户”(大写的“ X ”)。或者,权限字段可以是八进制数字(“ 0 ”-“ 7 ”)。



  • 这三个基本条目无法删除。这些基本条目类型中的每一个必须仅有一个条目。 
  • 每当ACL包含命名的用户条目或命名的组对象时,它也必须包含有效的权限掩码。 
  • 每当ACL包含任何默认ACL条目时,三个默认ACL基本条目(默认所有者,默认组和默认其他)也必须存在。 
  •  每当默认ACL包含命名用户条目或命名组对象时,它也必须包含默认有效权限掩码。


  • 如果ACL包含命名用户或命名组条目,并且不存在任何掩码条目,则会创建一个包含与组条目相同权限的掩码条目。除非给出-n选项,否则将进一步调整掩码条目的权限以包括受掩码条目影响的所有权限的并集。(请参阅-n选项说明)。 
  • 如果创建了默认ACL条目,并且默认ACL不包含所有者,拥有组或其他条目,则将ACL所有者,拥有组或其他条目的副本添加到默认ACL。 
  • 如果默认ACL包含命名的用户条目或命名的组条目,并且不存在任何掩码条目,则将添加包含与默认ACL的组条目具有相同权限的掩码条目。除非给出-n选项,否则将进一步调整掩码条目的权限以包括受掩码条目影响的所有权限的并集。(请参阅上面的-n选项说明)。 
setfacl [-bkndRLPvh] [{-m|-x} acl_spec] [{-M|-X} acl_file] file ...
setfacl --restore=file


-b--remove-all Remove all extended ACL entries. The base ACL entries of the owner, group and others are retained.
-k--remove-default Remove the Default ACL. If no Default ACL exists, no warnings are issued.
-n--no-mask Do not recalculate the effective rights mask. The default behavior of setfacl is to recalculate the ACL mask entry, unless a mask entry was explicitly given. The mask entry is set to the union of all permissions of the owning group, and all named user and group entries. (These are exactly the entries affected by the mask entry).
--mask Do recalculate the effective rights mask, even if an ACL mask entry was explicitly given. (See the -n option.)
-d--default All operations apply to the Default ACL. Regular ACL entries in the input set are promoted to Default ACL entries. Default ACL entries in the input set are discarded. (A warning is issued if that happens).
--restore=file Restore a permission backup created by "getfacl -R" or similar. All permissions of a complete directory subtree are restored using this mechanism. If the input contains owner comments or group comments, setfacl attempts to restore the owner and owning group. If the input contains flags comments (which define the setuid, setgid, and sticky bits), setfacl sets those three bits accordingly; otherwise, it clears them. This option cannot be mixed with other options except "--test".
--test Test mode. Instead of changing the ACLs of any files, the resulting ACLs are listed.
-R--recursive Apply operations to all files and directories recursively. This option cannot be mixed with "--restore".
-L--logical "Logical walk": follow symbolic links to directories. The default behavior is to follow symbolic link arguments, and skip symbolic links encountered in subdirectories. Only effective in combination with -R. This option cannot be mixed with "--restore".
-P--physical "Physical walk": do not follow symbolic links to directories. This also skips symbolic link arguments. Only effective in combination with -R. This option cannot be mixed with "--restore".
-v--version Print the version of setfacl, and exit.
-h--help Print a help message explaining the command line options.
-- A double-dash marks the end of command line options; all remaining parameters are interpreted as file names. This option is especially useful for file names that start with a dash.
- If the file name parameter is a single dash, setfacl reads a list of files from standard input.

ACL Entries

setfacl recognizes the following ACL entry formats (spaces in the following formats are optional, but have been included for legibility):

[d[efault]:] [u[ser]:]uid [:perms] Permissions of the user with user ID uid, or permissions of the file's owner if uid is empty.
[d[efault]:g[roup]:gid [:perms] Permissions of the group with group ID gid, or permissions of the owning group if gid is empty.
[d[efault]:m[ask][:] [:perms] Effective rights mask.
[d[efault]:o[ther][:] [:perms] Permissions of others.

Whitespace between delimiter characters and non-delimiter characters is ignored.

Proper ACL entries including permissions are used in modify and set operations (options -m-M--set and --set-file). Entries without the perms field are used for deletion of entries (options -x and -X).

For uid and gid you can specify either a name or a number.

The perms field is a combination of characters that indicate the permissions: read ("r"), write ("w"), execute ("x"), or "execute only if the file is a directory or already has execute permission for some user" (capital "X"). Alternatively, the perms field can be an octal digit ("0"-"7").

Automatically Created Entries

Initially, files and directories contain only the three base ACL entries for the owner, the group, and others. There are some rules that need to be satisfied for an ACL to be valid:

  • The three base entries cannot be removed. There must be exactly one entry of each of these base entry types. 
  • Whenever an ACL contains named user entries or named group objects, it must also contain an effective rights mask. 
  • Whenever an ACL contains any Default ACL entries, the three Default ACL base entries (default owner, default group, and default others) must also exist.
  • Whenever a Default ACL contains named user entries or named group objects, it must also contain a default effective rights mask. 

To help the user ensure these rules, setfacl creates entries from existing entries under the following conditions:

  • / If an ACL contains named user or named group entries, and no mask entry exists, a mask entry containing the same permissions as the group entry is created. Unless the -n option is given, the permissions of the mask entry are further adjusted to include the union of all permissions affected by the mask entry. (See the -n option description). 
  • If a Default ACL entry is created, and the Default ACL contains no owner, owning group, or others entry, a copy of the ACL owner, owning group, or others entry is added to the Default ACL. 
  • If a Default ACL contains named user entries or named group entries, and no mask entry exists, a mask entry containing the same permissions as the Default ACL's group entry is added. Unless the -n option is given, the permissions of the mask entry are further adjusted to include the union of all permissions affected by the mask entry. (See the -n option description, above). 



setfacl 例子

setfacl -m u:lisa:r file


setfacl -m m::rx file


setfacl -x g:staff file


getfacl file1 | setfacl --set-file=- file2


getfacl --access dir | setfacl -d -M- dir


setfacl -m u:lisa:r file

Grant user lisa read access to file file.

setfacl -m m::rx file

Revoke write access from all groups and all named users (using the effective rights mask) for file file.

setfacl -x g:staff file

Remove the group entry for the group staff from file file's ACL.

getfacl file1 | setfacl --set-file=- file2

Copy the ACL of file1 to file2.

getfacl --access dir | setfacl -d -M- dir

Copy the access ACL into the default ACL.




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