expand (获取压缩的Windows文件)

舞夕之 发表于 2020-06-28 17:31




1 expand 运行系统环境

2 expand 语法

3 expand 示例

expand 运行系统环境

Windows xp

Windows vista

Windows 2000

Windows 7

Windows 8

Windows 10

MS-DOS 6.0及更高版本

expand 语法

Windows Vista和更高版本的语法
EXPAND [-R] Source Destination
EXPAND -R Source [Destination]
EXPAND -I Source [Destination]
EXPAND -D Source.cab [-F:Files]
EXPAND Source.cab -F:Files Destination
-R 重命名展开的文件
-I 重命名展开的文件,但忽略目录结构
-D 显示源中的文件列表
Source 源文件规范。可以使用通配符
-F:Files 要从.CAB文件展开的文件的名称
Destination 目标文件|路径规范
Windows XP和更早版本的语法
EXPAND [-r] Source Destination
EXPAND -r Source [Destination]
-r 自动重命名展开的文件。仅对使用-r开关压缩的文件有效
Source 源文件规范。源可以是多个文件规范。可以使用通配符。
Destination 目标文件和路径规范。目标可以是目录。如果源是多个文件并且未指定-r,则目标必须是目录。不能使用通配符。


EXPAND source [/F:filespec] [destination] [/Y]
EXPAND source [/F:filespec] /D
source 指定要展开的文件。不能包括通配符(*和?)。人物。
Destination 指定新文件的目录。默认值为当前目录。
/y 覆盖现有文件之前不要提示
/f:filespec 如果源包含多个文件,则需要使用此参数来标识要展开的<特定文件。可以包括通配符。
/d 不要展开;仅显示源文件中包含的文件的目录。




EXPAND source [/F:filespec] [destination] [/Y]
EXPAND source [/F:filespec] /D
source 指定要展开的文件。不能包括通配符。
destination 指定新文件的目录。默认值为当前目录。
/Y 覆盖现有文件之前不提示。
/F:filespec 如果源包含多个文件,则需要此参数来标识要展开的特定文件。可以包括通配符。
/D 不要展开;仅显示源文件中包含的文件的目录。





Windows Vista and later syntax
EXPAND [-R] Source Destination
EXPAND -R Source [Destination]
EXPAND -I Source [Destination]
EXPAND -D Source.cab [-F:Files]
EXPAND Source.cab -F:Files Destination
-R Rename expanded files.
-I Rename expanded files but ignore directory structure.
-D Display list of files in source.
Source Source file specification. Wildcards may be used.
-F:Files Name of files to expand from a .CAB file.
Destination Destination file | path specification.
Destination may be a directory.
If Source is multiple files and -r is not specified,
Destination must be a directory.
Windows XP and earlier syntax
EXPAND [-r] Source Destination
EXPAND -r Source [Destination]
-r Automatically rename expanded files. Only valid for files compressed with -r switch.
Source Source file specification. Source may be multiple file specifications. Wildcards may be used.
Destination Destination file and path specification. Destination may be a directory. If Source is multiple files and -r is not specified, Destination must be a directory. Wildcards may not be used.
Recovery console expand command syntax

Expands a compressed file.

EXPAND source [/F:filespec] [destination] [/Y]
EXPAND source [/F:filespec] /D
source Specifies the file to be expanded. May not include wildcard (* and ?) characters.
Destination Specifies the directory for the new file. The default is the current directory.
/y Do not prompt before overwriting an existing file.
/f:filespec If the source contains more than one file, this parameter is required to identify the< specific file(s) to be expanded. May include wildcards.
/d Do not expand; only display a directory of the files that are contained in the source.

The destination might be any of the system directories, the root of any drive, the local installation sources, or the cmdcons directory. The destination cannot be removable media. The destination file cannot be read-only. Use may use the attrib command to remove the read-onlyattribute. Expand prompts if the destination file already exists unless /Y is used.

Repair expand command syntax

Expands a compressed file.

EXPAND source [/F:filespec] [destination] [/Y]
EXPAND source [/F:filespec] /D
source Specifies the file to be expanded. May not include wildcards.
destination Specifies the directory for the new file. Default is the current directory.
/Y Do not prompt before overwriting an existing file.
/F:filespec If the source contains more than one file, this parameter is required to identify the specific file(s) to be expanded. May include wildcards.
/D Do not expand; only display a directory of the files that are contained in the source.

The destination might be any of the system directories, the root of any drive, the local installation sources, or the cmdcons directory.

The destination cannot be removable media.

The destination file cannot be read-only. Use the ATTRIB command to remove the read-only attribute.

EXPAND prompts if the destination file already exist unless /Y is used.



expand 示例

expand d:\i386\hal.dl_ c:\windows\system32\hall.dll


expand d:\i386\hal.dl_ c:\windows\system32\hall.dll

The command above expands the compressed version of the hall.dll file to the proper directory on the computer. All compressed files will end with an underscore. Therefore any Windows file you're attempting to replace can be substituted in the above example.




echo | edit | edlin | emm 386 | enable | endlocal | erase | exit | extract |
