今天苹果发布了macos新版,而它就是Big Sur 11.1的准正式版。macos Big Sur 11.1版本改动并不是很多,但主要突出点却很明确,就是继续完善M1的使用体验,包含性能和兼容性方面。
之前有消息称,苹果明年将要推出的桌面处理器可能冠以M2的名称,也是基于5nm工艺,而新的Mac Pro将要使用,同时更强劲的16英寸MacBook Pro可能也会使用。
至于全新的Mac Pro,据说外形会是现款的缩小版,配置是苹果主要升级的重点。
macOS Big Sur 11.1 RC (20C69) Release NotesOverview
macOS Big Sur 11.1 Update 11.1 — Restart Required
macOS Big Sur 11.1 introduces support for AirPods Max, TV app enhancements, Apple News widgets, and privacy informATIon on the App Store. This release also includes bug fixes for your Mac.
Some features may not be available for all regions, or on all Apple devices.
For more detailed information about this update, please visit: https://support.apple.com/kb/HT211896
For detailed information about the security content of this update, please visit: https://support.apple.com/kb/HT201222
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